Stay Abreast With the Latest Advancement in Genitourinary Oncology
If you are a Doctor with special interest in Genitourinary oncology and want to collaborate and learn from experienced peers across the globe, SOGO Membership is for you.
Society of Genitourinary Oncologists
When eminent Genitourinary Oncologist from across India & world felt the need to collaborate with each other it resulted in the formation of SOGO. Below are the Vision, Mission & Objectives of SOGO.

Vision Statement
To promote and refine the practice of Uro-Oncology in India.
Mission Statement
To provide a platform for uro-oncology professionals in India for education, training, collaboration and research with the ultimate goal of improving holistic patient care in the field of Uro Oncology
SOGO Committee Members

Dr. Jagdeesh N Kulkarni

Dr. Sudhir Rawal

Dr. Raghunath S K

Dr. Vedang Murthy
Joint Secretary

Dr. Ginil Kumar Pooleri

Dr. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
National Advisory Board / Member

Dr. Vineet Talwar
Council Member

Dr. Narasimhan Ragavan
Council Member

Dr. Ganesh Bakshi
Council Member
SOGO : Aims & Objectives
The aims of the society are broadly divided into two categories namely education and research with specific objectives as under

Professional Education
a. To arrange/ organize discussions, seminars, conference and other lawful gathering for the promotions of Aims and Objects of the Society.
b. To offer scholarship to the deserving young professionals in the field.
c. To publish books, journals, periodicals and papers relating to urological cancers
d. To recommend timely and updated management guidelines for the professionals in the field of uro-oncology with emphasis on Indian socio-demographic issues.
Public Education
a. To initiate and promote health care in the community for the general public including at the schools/colleges/universities.
b. To undertake community education and awareness activities independently or in collaboration with other agencies including stoma care and palliative and rehabilitative care
c. To disseminate knowledge and understanding of urological cancers amongst the lay public and the patients so as to facilitate their integration into the community.

a. To promote, guide, co-ordinate, organize, finance and conduct clinical research/trials and basic
scientific research in all aspects of urological cancers in the country
b. To collaborate with centres of excellence especially within India to develop innovative
technologies addressing local issues
c. To seek affiliation with international institutions or societies formed for promoting the above